I’ve just committed a batch of changes that have piled up on my machine. Most are architectural improvements plus a few bugfixes. Here is a list of changes:
- Switched to a cleaner build system organization (1 SConscript file per directory instead of a single huge file)
- Robustness improvements to the KD-tree construction code: it now does a better job at handling degenerate triangles
- Switched to an epsilon-free KD-tree traversal loop based on Havran’s T_{AB}^{rec} algorithm
- Generalization of the KD-tree construction code (now supports plugging in arbitrary tree construction heuristics)
- Addition of some utility code (a LRU cache, adaptive Gauss-Lobatto quadrature, etc.)
- Switched to a generic dense matrix class that supports arbitrary dimensions
- Pixel traversal within image blocks now uses a space-filling curve ordering
- Added support for several noise functions from PBRT
- Cleanups of various top-level interfaces (Luminaires, Phase functions, BSDFs, Participating media, etc.)
- Robustness improvements to the participating media code (faster + now does a better job at dielectric boundaries)
- Added a basic tonemapping utility (can be invoked via mtsutil)
Welcome back
How did your Siggraph work go..?
Thanks for you continued development efforts. Just did a Linux64 build and everything looks fine.
I dont’t know whats most of this stuff meeans, but looks like you have done a lot of job.
It’s like chinese for me
It went well, thank you. It will still take a while until everything makes its way into the official Mitsuba releases though.
Wenzel, do you have some video recorded form siggraph? Wold be cool to see how it was like.
Nice. Can you tell something about it or only after siggraph starts..?
Hi there.
Tried the renderer on both Mac OSx and Windows 17 (or whatever it is called nowadays). Really impressed.
Let us know when/if you plan to set up a donation account. Don’t expect much but it’s the thought that counts! I’d like to see Mitsuba as a stand-alone product one day especially so because of your work on volumentrics. That’s quite something.
I can’t build no more, breaks on g++ check it out.
says boost lib might be missing.
Hi Wenzel Jakob, is that me or I smell new mitsuba coming soon?