Things have been a little quiet around here as of late. Writing my thesis, finishing course work, and moving to another country all took a toll on the amount of time left for Mitsuba coding. So I am happy to say that I’ve finally moved, graduated from Cornell, and just turned in my Ph. D. thesis!
It’s called Light Transport on Path-Space Manifolds and is essentially a significantly expanded version of the Manifold Exploration paper (from 13 to 153 pages).
If you’re interested, click below for a link to the full thesis (20MB PDF).

Best wishes and congratulations for the work!!!
Congratulations! By the way, it was cool to see the gradient space rendering work at Siggraph this year building off your stuff both in theory (paper) and implementation (Mitsuba).
Congrats! Curious as to how this will affect Mitsuba development. Will you still continue to work on it?
Yes, of course
Conratulations! What’s next?
I’ll be a postdoc at the Interactive Geometry Lab @ ETH Zürich.
Congrats Wenzel, truly excellent work. Looking forward to whatever is next for you and Mitsuba.
Congratulations! If I understand 10% of your thesis, I feel, I will learn something cool…
Enhorabona Wenzel!!!. Ho has aconseguit. Espero amb ganes la nova versió de Mitsuba.
Congratulations! you are the best!
Congrats man!
Thanks for freely sharing your knowledge with the world. It is much appreciated.
Congrats Jakob! All the best wishes for a bright and “well explored” path!
I am interested to read your thesis
After rocking the world of light transport you move on to geometry?
Anyway, I’m sure you’ll do very well!
Awesome, congratulations.
I’ve actually been trying to work through your earlier paper to implement this technique so the timing couldn’t be better for me
Thank you for all your great work.
cool, let me know if you have any questions
excelente trabajo …
Congratulations Wenzel! Keep up the good work!
Congratulations, Mr. Jakob! You did it! We’re glad that you share with us your success. Good luck with your next project too!
Any interest in create an exporter for SketchUp?
SketchUp export .dae files… more work now is fact
Congratulations Dr. Wenzel!
All the best to you in your new position.
Good job!
You have contributed a lot to the computer graphics community and we appreciate it!